Generals Zero Hour Aod Maps

понедельник 27 апреляadmin

Iraqhistan (AoD)-author: Kampy.mail to: Kampy20@gmx.deor ICQ: 82273535mapname: Iraqhistan (AoD)game: Zero Hourplayers: 2 (+1 computer)Installation:(like every other ZH-map)those files from the zip gotta bein 'my documents/C&C ZeroHour Data/maps/'in a foulder which is exactly like thename of the map 'Iraqhistan (AoD)'.In-Game Configuration:first and second position in the game-roomneed to be the human players. Third must bethe computer. All three must be standard GLA.You dont need to team up or set money.Everything is done for you.Game Difficulty:the difficulty of the AI will determinethe skill level of the map.Pro Tip:If you beat the enemy without losinghaving the village in the middle damagedthere will be a cooler outro:)copyright stuffdont sell this map in any way,dont change it or use it in any modswithout my permission. If you have anyquestions then email me.have fun:Dand dont forget to visitwww.kampys-stuff.defor more maps Files.

Art of defence maps, comment the problems please and i will look at it and try to fix it. More waves will be coming soon. And problems will be solved ((if possible)and if u comment the problems).Till now there were alot of patches, i deleted the older version and done a newer in place, about 3 patches every day orso. But from now on will be larger patches including more waves etc instead of a lot patches including very less changes.So will be less patches including more changes.Look at the summary tab for that patches, the last patch ill make will atleast include 25 more waves, mostly 40 more waves. Now im mostly at school again, but friday night and saturday and sunday I will make alot more waves again.

Generals Zero Hour Aod Maps

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